The soft environment

The soft environmentThe soft environment
  1. The soft environment is an important guarantee for economic development .


  2. The soft environment of economy is a complicated social system .


  3. Build the soft environment of ideological education ;


  4. An analysis of the soft environment of the Sino-Russian trade


  5. Administrative environment including both hardware environment , including the soft environment , which is particularly important .


  6. Networking Discussion on Improving the Soft Environment of the Internet in the Community of College Students


  7. Promoting postgraduate academic activities , optimizing the soft environment of the ideological political education


  8. An urgent need of reengineering the soft environment of investment in the development of the western China


  9. On the Soft Environment of Gathering Talents in Disquisitive University


  10. The soft environment of gathering talents plays an important role in constructing the disquisitive university .


  11. The soft environment of the Internet consists chiefly of Internet conception , Internet conduct and Internet management .


  12. Today , private capital investment mechanism is not effective and need to optimize the soft environment for private capital investment .


  13. Meanwhile , the soft environment respects , especially the legal environment in the demanding of BOT investment way still exist insufficient .


  14. Once something changed including inside factor , external factor and hard environment , the soft environment system will influence the original system when it runs .


  15. The soft environment for investment consisting of official system arrangement and unofficial system arrangement affects the investment of enterprises and industrial migration .


  16. Based on a general understanding of the soft environment , the essay analyses and expounds the common problems liable to occur in the construction of soft environment .


  17. Some measures are put forward for consummating the soft environment system , innovating the development mechanism of grass industry , strengthening the management and intensifying the target duty .


  18. By reengineering , the soft environment can be charged once and for all which inducting system environment goverment administration environment , policy environment , market environment , legal system environment , etc.


  19. Network frame , basic technological circumstance and application scope of E-commerce engineering have formed in China . But the soft environment , the legislations and system construction of E-commerce are very lagging behind .


  20. The soft environment is the soul of disquisitive university , the groundwork of the future development of disquisitive university , the mental drive of future sustainable development of disquisitive university .


  21. A NC Network system of CAD / CAM laboratory is introduced . The soft environment of system is Pro Engineer , using technology of network data communication and CNC ; NC automation program and DNC machining are accomplished .


  22. So we must perfect the soft environment which is favorable to BOT operation of investment way and create condition as soon as possible , and attract foreign capital to invest infrastructure construction by way of BOT , especially the infrastructure construction of west area .


  23. On Financing Shortage and the Soft Investing Environment Improvement of the Western Development


  24. Thirdly , the soft investment environment is not as good as what is expected .


  25. It is very important to absorb investment and to improve the " soft environment " of investment for the west development .


  26. Sixth , energetically improving investment environ-ment , particularly the " soft environment " .


  27. But to review if an educational mode is successful or not depends mainly on the " soft environment " construction and its efficiency .


  28. The soft destructive environment is formed aiming at the radar technical performance characteristic , which include the jamming of noise , false target and metal chaff .


  29. The inner soft environment has the systematic , unique and lasting features and possesses the functions of introduction , maintenance , impetus , incentive and restraint etc.


  30. Passive factors subsist in the " soft environment ", lagging mechanism of government management and problem lie in the government policy , and regional culture and concept and otherwise .
